Things We All Do but Never Mention ~ Lori

Things We All Do but Never Mention ~ Lori

Things We All Do but Never Mention ~ Lori


There’s a Reddit section called “Does Anybody Else,” where people list weird things they do, and ask if other people do them too. Someone went through and cherry-picked the best ones. Here are a few you’ve probably done before, but never mentioned…

When you have to spell the word “Wednesday,” do you sound it out in your head as “WED-NES-DAY”?

Do you ever bump into something and say “ouch” even though it didn’t hurt?

When you pee and it’s totally clear, do you ever feel proud of yourself for being hydrated? (Yes, unless it’s because I just drank seven beers.)

Are you ever driving behind the same car for a really long time . . . then they take an exit, and you feel kind of sad they’re gone? Like you’d formed a slight bond?

When you flush the toilet but don’t get a full flush. So you have to stand there and wait for the tank to refill.

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